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Project 4: Concepts of Circulation
Assignment 4 was to design a Yacht Club on the Shore of Long Island. While doing so, all concepts learned from projects 1,2, and 3 were incorporated as well as the understanding of path space relationships: outside, along the edge, terminating into spaces, and circulation patterns. Using REVIT, shapes were then programed to show concepts such as interlocking and adjacency. Requirements included main building, dock house, showers, gate house, deck, dock and parking.
2D View Building Level l
Designing the Yacht Club main building using a primary shape. The two triangle corners were then subtracted out creating the shape. "L" and "U" shaped walls were then programmed in, as well as single vertical walls with a branching out linear path within the building.

Final Design
Original Planning Sketches

3D View Building Level l
Adjacency with trees, parking lot shown.

3D Site View | Passing by Spaces

2D Site View with Interlocking Shapes, Radial Path
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